Becoming Animals

It’s interesting living in the culture we do. In this post-modern culture, or whatever it’s called now,  there is a wholesale abandonment  of belief in God.  At university level the statistics say that 70% or more of Christian kids will abandon their faith and become agnostic or atheist. The culture at large is moving away …

Faith And Science

In my reading today I came to one of the atheist web sites I like to visit. While there I found this question. It’s a very good question and one I wanted to discuss here as well. Here it is- … “The question to ask the faithful is, how would you distinguish the difference between …

The most important thing

I just finished teaching through the first three chapters of Ephesians and as we finished chapter three we came to Paul’s closing prayer for the first three chapters. After some wonderful theology Paul’s prayer focuses on one thing- that they would understand how much God loves them. Honestly, it doesn’t seem to fit, but what …

Public vs. Private

This morning I read an article by an atheist writer. I like to read his thoughts because he makes me think. Of course I have to sort through the anger, harsh words and bitterness that comes from his past, but he has a lot to say. This morning his topic was public prayer. His arguments …

On being a fool

I woke early this morning thinking about a passage of scripture that I thought I understood. As I thought about my own life and the verse I will share with you in a moment it suddenly struck me that the way I had viewed the verse was all wrong. I had missed the main point! …