
“Life is largely a matter of luggage.” -Frank Boreham, The Luggage of life I’m always amazed at how much we are willing to carry with us that is completely unnecessary. We are masters at gathering baggage. The burden of the load slows our journey, distracts our minds and confuses our relationships. John Bunyan wrote about …

No Simple Lives

One thing I’ve noticed about people is that things are never simple. I think it’s because we are not simple. Our lives are made up of hundreds of nicks and bruises we have each experienced. All those blows, bad relationships, disappointments and life experiences make us who we are and it’s never simple to sort …

If We Could See…

We all wear masks. Masks that tell others we are “ok” when we really aren’t. In public most of us pretend we have it together, all is well, but if we could see what others struggle with it would change how we interact with each other. If we could see that a friend is insecure …


As I work my way through life, through marriage, through parenting, and through God’s word I am keenly aware of one thing…. ALL of life is about relationship. Relationship with God. Relationship with my wife. Relationship with kids, and grandkids. Relationship with PEOPLE! People are everywhere and if I’m going to survive well I have …

Simple Instructions

I have to admit that I’m a very simple person. I don’t think about grand thoughts of glory or have amazing insights into life and eternity. I am just a very simple guy who is trying to follow God and walk with him. I honestly find that most people are just like me, trying to …

Permission to Speak Freely

  The permission to speak freely by Anne Jackson is an awesome book that talks about how we let our fears stop us from speaking freely about anything.  Freely speaking on our thoughts and fears about church, relationships, addictions, depression, family etc.  Her single statement “Fear Won” caught my heart.  Fear wins out so often …