It All Matters

To Him…It All Matters


Dear Lord Jesus
As big as my problems are
As big as my fears are
As big as my doubts are

Help me to remember that YOU are bigger


As big as my dreams are
As big as my needs are
As big as my desires are

Help me to be reminded every day that you are bigger


Help me to be reminded every day that you know what I need
Help me to be reminded every day that you want us to live abundantly
Help me to be reminded every day that you are in control

Help me to be reminded every day that you see every tear…and they matter


You see my fearful heart and it matters
You know when I’m discouraged and it matters
Help me to keep trusting you when I don’t understand

Help me to keep following you when I can’t see where the next step is going to take me


Help me to remember just how great YOU are, just how mighty you are and just how much you LOVE me

Don’t let me forget these things; keep them close to my heart, so when the fear pops in and the tears flow I know instantly that YOU have me.

You’ve got me and you are going to keep me….. and it all matters to you.

In Jesus name Amen


This was originally published in Tell It On the Mountain Online Magazine. Click the name of the magazine to see it and other amazing articles.  Thanks @DeMacb for allowing me to submit to your Magazine