Celebrating Mothers

Our guest post today is from Robert Dodson, known as @MajorDodson on twitter.  He knows first hand how Jesus will carry us through the trials, through the battles and how He will lift our heads. He speaks from the heart, as well as experience on making sure that while we honor our Moms, that we also keep the Lord first place in our life.  May your heart be reminded and encouraged as you read the words from the heart of Robert Dodson.

Mother’s Day

Yesterday was Mother’s Day in the United States. A holiday designed to honor all the things mothers do for their families. Below is a poem I wrote last year to honor mothers around the world.


I can see you on that mesa, stars above, valley below.
The dim objects your thoughts.
The cacti, far off mountains wondering why…
Dreaming of things that might have been and
Searching the lonely roads of memory,
All the roads lead to nowhere, but I am here
Thinking, wondering, what might have been?
The road of my heart is curved and troubled,
Until the idea comes down the straight line of my brain;
I am lost again without you in my life.
The moon tiptoes through a starry night,
Yielding slowly to the first rays of a red sun;
As day begins to leap upon my vista
The rattler slithers toward noon,
All at once the emotion floods my eyes,
Another Mother’s Day has reached my soul.
My anguish, my loss compels me to share my love,
To my growing daughter that one day too,
I’ll see her on a lonely, starry mesa.

As Americans celebrate and honor our  Mothers, let’s remember the love we have for our mothers’ should be given to Jesus as well. I Corinthians 13:13 says “And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” When we begin to place Jesus first in our lives, our lives change for the better.  Being a recently saved Christian, I am learning the importance of this verse. Even though I didn’t attend church regularly when I was younger, I always had faith, hope and love in my life. For almost three decades, God carried me. In my most trying times, I had faith and hope that things would be better for me. It is my strong sense of faith that guided me through some very troubling times. My problems seemed to be of my own making. I had my goals oriented wrong. I firmly believe that had I place God first in my life, the tribulations I endured would not have been as severe. The lesson I’m learning now is the importance of placing God first in my life. When I do that, my trials are less impactful. I am still crawling in my walk with God, but soon I will be a toddler for God. It is hard to change your life if you don’t have your priorities in the right order. Today, my first order of business is giving God is rightful place of being first in my life. When I do that, all the other things of my life seem to fall in place as they should; I will still have ordeals, but God has given His son so I may get through them with head held high.

With thanks and prayers to God, I have the foundation to build a truly worthwhile life. All I need to do is continue having faith, hope and love.

Are you giving God first place in your life? Do you have things you need to change and priorities you need to reconsider?

Are you holding your head high through your ordeals, knowing that God is in control?