About Christian Rep

Welcome to the world of a Christian Rep…

We have a deep love for our Lord and Savior, who loved us first and who empowers us to love and serve others, through social media and beyond.

We are passionate about sharing God’s truth and Christian music to encourage others around the world.

We serve the Lord by serving you, praying with and for you, and helping you as you continue to grow in grace and the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

It is our hope and prayer that this ministry will help to increase your faith, aid your spiritual walk, encourage your heart, and inspire your soul.

Psalm 45:15
Led in with joy and gladness, they enter the palace of the king.

So, join us on this journey of faith and start digging in.  Make sure you check out The Good Stuff and all the other pages and posts we have gathered here to uplift and edify.

Peace be with you!!!