Been There…

Have you ever seen that T-shirt that reads:  “My parents went to California and all I got was this T-shirt?” Well friends, Jesus came to Earth….and we get way more than a T-shirt! Maps show us where some one else has already been, right? Warning signs keep us on the right road……. The need for road …

Let The Children Come

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  Matthew 19:14 As Jesus said above, let the children come. I believe He also meant for them to be born…and so does the Brown family. Watch this inspiring video about their …

The Purpose Of Practice

What is the purpose of practice?   Practice means you haven’t mastered something yet, but are working on it.  Here’s a simple definition from the dictionary, Practice-  repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency.  It’s the work we do so it doesn’t look like it took any effort at …

Whatever The Day May Bring

Whatever your day has brought you – PRAISE HIM! If it brought you sun, praise HIM – If it brought you rain, praise HIM If it brought you a bonus, praise HIM – If it brought you an unemployment check, praise HIM If it brought you a new car, praise HIM – If it brought …


Are there days when you feel “blessed”?  Days when the sun is shining and all is right with your world?  We all have had that sense that the sun is shining on us and God likes us.  I know that feeling as well as most, but today was a day when you might not use …

Where Is Goodness & Joy?

The other day I was talking with a friend that I had not talked to in a while. Knowing that she had been through a deep, horrible loss with the death of her beloved brother, I emailed her to let her know I was thinking of her and praying for her. Through a series of …

Share Your Faith App

– Ever find it hard to share your faith? – Felt tongue-tied and unsure of what to say next? There’s an app for that! And maybe this app is for you. Check out this website, How To Share Your Faith, and download the app for your iPhone, iPad, or Android. As Christ followers we are …

Hope In Emptiness

I love that with the Resurrection there is hope in hopeless situations. I love that even though it looks like things will end, that the beginning is right there in Christ, A new beginning in Christ. I love that when I feel that all is lost, the SONrise will remind me that the day can …

Letting Go

Letting go is one of the most difficult things ever. You know I’m telling the truth here! It doesn’t matter what “it” is, it is hard to let go. Letting go means you place 100% trust in whomever you are letting things go to. It means that you have confidence in that person to handle …

Becoming Animals

It’s interesting living in the culture we do. In this post-modern culture, or whatever it’s called now,  there is a wholesale abandonment  of belief in God.  At university level the statistics say that 70% or more of Christian kids will abandon their faith and become agnostic or atheist. The culture at large is moving away …

Never Alone

My heart is amazed at just how big this world is and how technology can keep us in touch with those who have moved away from us.  But sometimes, my heart is even more amazed at just how alone we can feel even though people are close to us physically as well as through technology.  …

Desperate Days

My soft-hearted receptionist came back to tell me there was a lady in real need in our reception area and she didn’t want to just send her away empty handed. I met with Nancy.  It’s hard to know how best to help at times. Is this person just begging for a living or is this …

Remembering 9/11

Cross Amidst the Ruins On an early September morning; Hatred reared it’s ugly head. Terrorism struck Manhattan; It’s wake left thousands dead! It truly was a miracle … How many lives were saved. Over-shadowed by the horror; Of the war-like rubbled grave! Time seemed frozen, hope was lost; For loved ones left behind. Trying to …


  Guys are huge! Huge! Especially if you are a little girl, you look up and see a mighty man towering over you, your heart trembles a little. Men are giants in the eyes of children I remember as a little, tiny girl being afraid of those towering giants in my life. There were only …


I hate to admit it, but I live in a box.  It’s a box created for me by others, by business, family, friends and the world around me. But the really sad truth is that I willingly climbed in the box and taped the lid shut…never asking if it was a box I should be …

He Knows The Hairs On Our Head

Below is an amazing video by Yale scientist, Alexander Tsiaras, who is part artist, part technologist whose work explores the unseen human body, developing scientific visualization software to enable him to “paint” the human anatomy. In his own words, “Even though I am a mathematician, I look at [fetal development] with marvel: How do these instruction sets not …

No Simple Lives

One thing I’ve noticed about people is that things are never simple. I think it’s because we are not simple. Our lives are made up of hundreds of nicks and bruises we have each experienced. All those blows, bad relationships, disappointments and life experiences make us who we are and it’s never simple to sort …

War Of The Worlds

We are in a war, but it’s not the war we are trying to fight. It’s not a war between Republicans and Democrats. It’s not a war between conservatives and liberals. It’s not a war between Christians and Muslims. It’s not a war between gay and straight. It’s not a war between “us” and “them”. …

His Blessings

Recently, we have come to realize just how much the Lord has blessed us. This, of course, rouses the curiosity about how many verses there are in the Bible about His blessings. Here’s just the beginning… Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Matt 5:3 Blessed are those who persevere …

The Big Lie

I watched the beginning of a video a few weeks ago that is haunting. I couldn’t watch it all. I didn’t want to see the end. It was the video of a young lady committing suicide. Someone had filmed it. The beginning of the video was heartbreaking as she just stood there…on the edge of …