Seeking God

“Seek the Lord while you can find him. Call on him now while he is near.” -Isaiah 55 This morning, just after sunrise, I went for a long walk in the woods. If you are ever in a place like this you have to walk out into the woods and be still, listen, pray and praise.  That was …

Quiet Time

Quiet time I think our culture needs a time out….a quiet time out.  This morning, EARLY this morning, I’m reading,  praying, thinking…and in my ears is noise all around. The neighbors next door fighting, the neighbors behind me hollering at their kids, dogs barking in response, airplanes flying overhead, will you all please be quiet! …

The slide to despair

It happens quickly. It happens easily. At least it does with me. Discouragement…. Disappointment…. Dejection…. Despondency… Depression and then despair. It’s a quick slide from the first thoughts of discouragement to the pit of despair. It happens so quickly that it’s often a surprise to find we have come to utter despair and hopelessness. David …

Sunrise or sunset?

Is it sunset or sunrise? Is the day beginning or ending? Is light coming or will it be darkness? What lies ahead? . This was a topic of discussion in C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce. Both in heaven and in hell it was twilight. In both places the residents anticipated the dawn, but it’s …


“Life is largely a matter of luggage.” -Frank Boreham, The Luggage of life I’m always amazed at how much we are willing to carry with us that is completely unnecessary. We are masters at gathering baggage. The burden of the load slows our journey, distracts our minds and confuses our relationships. John Bunyan wrote about …


One of the grim realities of life is that we are alone. In the middle of a busy city with others all around we are alone. … This “aloneness” is one of the results of the fall, but is mostly ignored by writers. We simply don’t talk about it. Man, designed to be in constant …

God in the Furnace

It’s often hard to see God, to see his hand, his work in our lives. It’s often hard to sense his presence, but for the believer he’s ever present. In fact, he says he will never leave us, but most of the time we don’t sense his presence, we aren’t aware of his care.For me …


Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. Grief is part of the human experience. We avoid it, we dread it, but we will all experience it. Grief, when it happens, …

The Purpose Of Practice

What is the purpose of practice?   Practice means you haven’t mastered something yet, but are working on it.  Here’s a simple definition from the dictionary, Practice-  repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency.  It’s the work we do so it doesn’t look like it took any effort at …


Are there days when you feel “blessed”?  Days when the sun is shining and all is right with your world?  We all have had that sense that the sun is shining on us and God likes us.  I know that feeling as well as most, but today was a day when you might not use …

Becoming Animals

It’s interesting living in the culture we do. In this post-modern culture, or whatever it’s called now,  there is a wholesale abandonment  of belief in God.  At university level the statistics say that 70% or more of Christian kids will abandon their faith and become agnostic or atheist. The culture at large is moving away …

Desperate Days

My soft-hearted receptionist came back to tell me there was a lady in real need in our reception area and she didn’t want to just send her away empty handed. I met with Nancy.  It’s hard to know how best to help at times. Is this person just begging for a living or is this …

Modeling Christ

“Be imitators of me, just as I also am of Christ.” -Paul, 1 Corinthians 11: Paul did something I have not seen others do.  He offered himself as the model of what a Christ follower should look like.  As I read these words this morning they once more stopped me to think about what that would …


I hate to admit it, but I live in a box.  It’s a box created for me by others, by business, family, friends and the world around me. But the really sad truth is that I willingly climbed in the box and taped the lid shut…never asking if it was a box I should be …

No Simple Lives

One thing I’ve noticed about people is that things are never simple. I think it’s because we are not simple. Our lives are made up of hundreds of nicks and bruises we have each experienced. All those blows, bad relationships, disappointments and life experiences make us who we are and it’s never simple to sort …

War Of The Worlds

We are in a war, but it’s not the war we are trying to fight. It’s not a war between Republicans and Democrats. It’s not a war between conservatives and liberals. It’s not a war between Christians and Muslims. It’s not a war between gay and straight. It’s not a war between “us” and “them”. …

The Big Lie

I watched the beginning of a video a few weeks ago that is haunting. I couldn’t watch it all. I didn’t want to see the end. It was the video of a young lady committing suicide. Someone had filmed it. The beginning of the video was heartbreaking as she just stood there…on the edge of …


Psalm 56:3 When I am afraid, I will put my trust in You. Fears in the night are unfriendly visitors. They wake you, trouble you and will not let you rest. Fear of what might be, fear of what you think is happening…..fear for fears sake is as good as a cup of strong coffee …

If We Could See…

We all wear masks. Masks that tell others we are “ok” when we really aren’t. In public most of us pretend we have it together, all is well, but if we could see what others struggle with it would change how we interact with each other. If we could see that a friend is insecure …

Meeting A Need

I wonder what some people are thinking! They use the strangest things to meet their needs. We use other people to fix loneliness, alcohol to forget our problems, illegal drugs to deal with depression, and a hundred other misused tools to fix the problems of our lives. I think many of our solutions to the problems …


As I work my way through life, through marriage, through parenting, and through God’s word I am keenly aware of one thing…. ALL of life is about relationship. Relationship with God. Relationship with my wife. Relationship with kids, and grandkids. Relationship with PEOPLE! People are everywhere and if I’m going to survive well I have …