The Big Lie

I watched the beginning of a video a few weeks ago that is haunting. I couldn’t watch it all. I didn’t want to see the end. It was the video of a young lady committing suicide. Someone had filmed it. The beginning of the video was heartbreaking as she just stood there…on the edge of …

He Never Lets Go

Do you remember the thrill of being spun around by your dad? Do you remember how exciting it was? Never a worry about him letting go. He’s your dad, he would never do that. The thought never crossed our minds. We simply enjoyed the thrill and excitement of the ride. How have we lost that …

Steep Grade Ahead

Steep grade ahead, in the wilderness great where God’s voice whispers through aspens and pines our hearts will not miss a beat for we know what is at stake through strife, we will find a blessing for all times. for years to come we will look back on these days, and remember God’s beauty, which …