Sunrise or sunset?

Is it sunset or sunrise? Is the day beginning or ending? Is light coming or will it be darkness? What lies ahead? . This was a topic of discussion in C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce. Both in heaven and in hell it was twilight. In both places the residents anticipated the dawn, but it’s …


  Guys are huge! Huge! Especially if you are a little girl, you look up and see a mighty man towering over you, your heart trembles a little. Men are giants in the eyes of children I remember as a little, tiny girl being afraid of those towering giants in my life. There were only …

Thankful For…

Our days seem to get so busy, our time escapes us and our hearts can be so heavy.  During all of these times, we not only should pray, but praise. I hope you will spend some time just thanking the Lord.  Thanksgiving needs to be a daily thing for us. I’m thankful for: Spend some …

Heart Direction

“May the Lord direct your hearts into the love of God and into the steadfastness of Christ.” 2 Thes. 3:5. I’m fascinated by this short, simple verse. It’s a prayer of Paul for those suffering in Thessalonica. I would have prayed “May the Lord direct your minds…” but Paul prays for heart direction. There is …

Will You Do A ‘180’ To Save A Life???

Are we doomed to repeat history? Can one person really make a difference? We invite you to take 30 minutes and watch this thought provoking video and find out.  Afterward, visit or Living Waters for more information about what you can do to change hearts here and now.    

A Wealthy Pauper

It strikes me that a Christian who knows God is the richest of people while in the world’s eyes he may be without what the world values. We are the people who have everything, but possess nothing. We walk with a God who owns everything that exists and supplies us with daily needs. The world …

Christmas Thoughts

This year, to be honest, my hearts not into Christmas. I’m not excited about it. In fact I’m feeling rather a Scrooge about the whole thing. I could easily go into a monologue about consumerism and how crazy it is to spend money for gifts while we lose sight of the real meaning of the …

Hard Hearts And Stiff Necks

There are two things I see in scripture that cause us problems- hard hearts and stiff necks. Hard hearts describe people who are insensitive to God’s voice and untouched by his work in their lives. They simply don’t see or sense him, his voice, or his conviction. Stiff necks describe people who are, even knowing …


Timing is everything. I know you’ve heard that expression before, but in reference to God’s work in our lives it’s more true than you could ever imagine. He has made us and placed us in this time, in this place to be part of his plan. Timing is everything and the God who invented time …

Permission to Speak Freely

  The permission to speak freely by Anne Jackson is an awesome book that talks about how we let our fears stop us from speaking freely about anything.  Freely speaking on our thoughts and fears about church, relationships, addictions, depression, family etc.  Her single statement “Fear Won” caught my heart.  Fear wins out so often …

Public vs. Private

This morning I read an article by an atheist writer. I like to read his thoughts because he makes me think. Of course I have to sort through the anger, harsh words and bitterness that comes from his past, but he has a lot to say. This morning his topic was public prayer. His arguments …

Amazing God

Yesterday we had our first snow of the winter in Texas. The flakes were huge, wet and sticky. Of course, here in Texas that means car wrecks, schools closed and other problems, but the snow itself was beautiful. Science has looked at snow one flake at a time and found that each flake is different, …

Have You Considered My Servant

Marie is @spreadingJOY on twitter and through her Non Profit Spreading Joy, she is encouraging everyone to do what they can, where they are – with what they have.  Making a difference has never been easier.  May the JOY of the Lord be your strength and your heart be encouraged as you consider this passage of scripture today. …

Steep Grade Ahead

Steep grade ahead, in the wilderness great where God’s voice whispers through aspens and pines our hearts will not miss a beat for we know what is at stake through strife, we will find a blessing for all times. for years to come we will look back on these days, and remember God’s beauty, which …