Sunrise or sunset?

Is it sunset or sunrise? Is the day beginning or ending? Is light coming or will it be darkness? What lies ahead? . This was a topic of discussion in C.S. Lewis’ book, The Great Divorce. Both in heaven and in hell it was twilight. In both places the residents anticipated the dawn, but it’s …

Hell’s Best Kept Secret

Hells Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort This message was first preached in August 1982. Use this for inspiration and equipping you to be a Christian who is fulfilling the Great Commission! Matt 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but …

The Purpose Of Practice

What is the purpose of practice?   Practice means you haven’t mastered something yet, but are working on it.  Here’s a simple definition from the dictionary, Practice-  repeated performance or systematic exercise for the purpose of acquiring skill or proficiency.  It’s the work we do so it doesn’t look like it took any effort at …

The Ten Commandments

Exodus 20  1 And God spoke all these words, saying: 2 “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage. 3 “You shall have no other gods before Me. 4 “You shall not make for yourself a carved image—any likeness of anything that isin heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in …


The movie “Toy Story” has some wonderful imagery in it that fascinates both children and adults. One of the key elements of the movie is the idea of identity, belonging. It’s a big deal to the toys that they belong to Andy and are part of his life. This idea of identity and belonging is …


Heb 4:1 God’s promise of entering his rest still stands, so we ought to tremble with fear that some of you might fail to experience it. 2 For this good news—that God has prepared this rest—has been announced to us just as it was to them. But it did them no good because they didn’t share the …


We all search for something. We seek happiness, love, peace, companionship, friendship, security. We are born seekers. But it’s easy to get confused about what is really important to seek after.  Our search for the things that satisfy the heart and meet our real needs is often unfulfilled.  Our search for meaning and happiness often …

Finding my way

It’s often hard for me to see God’s work in my life. I’m living moment by moment and I can’t see what he is doing in my moments. The light that shows me what God is doing sometimes comes much later. Most of the time I only get a glimpse, a stream of light through …

Romans Road to Salvation

We are ALL Sinners… “For all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God”  Romans3:23 As much as we hate to admit it, there are no exceptions. I am a sinner, and so are you. Even though we do our best, we fall short. We aim to reach a certain standard, if we …

Have You Considered My Servant

Marie is @spreadingJOY on twitter and through her Non Profit Spreading Joy, she is encouraging everyone to do what they can, where they are – with what they have.  Making a difference has never been easier.  May the JOY of the Lord be your strength and your heart be encouraged as you consider this passage of scripture today. …