
One of the grim realities of life is that we are alone. In the middle of a busy city with others all around we are alone. … This “aloneness” is one of the results of the fall, but is mostly ignored by writers. We simply don’t talk about it. Man, designed to be in constant …

God in the Furnace

It’s often hard to see God, to see his hand, his work in our lives. It’s often hard to sense his presence, but for the believer he’s ever present. In fact, he says he will never leave us, but most of the time we don’t sense his presence, we aren’t aware of his care.For me …

In A Valley

I’m in a valley. It’s true. Have been for about a month now AND I love it! I do! I’m working in beautiful Salem Virginia. Mountains are everywhere I look. The ride to and from each week has been gorgeous with the color of the leaves changing to burnt orange and bright reds. Megan even …

How Love & Respect Impact our Marriage

The tears slid silently down her cheeks, dampening the pillow.  Anger covering deep hurt dispersed sleep. The twenty-one years of her life dedicated to marriage and family seemed empty and wasted.  After all, what did she have to show for any of it?  Sure, her children loved her, but they were nearly on their own, …

Gifts Of God’s Grace

I love the Grace of God. I love the fact that HE looks for us! He wants to spend time with us. Not just hear our prayers, but he longs to just spend time together. Isn’t that an amazing thought? The King of Kings and LORD of Lords wants to spend time with us? We …

The Epistle to the Hebrews: The ABCs

Authorship, Background, and Contents     Authorship   The Epistle to the Hebrews begins with a formal opening like that of a speaker who has already been introduced and therefore does not identify himself. Even after hundreds of years of scholarly inquiry, the authorship of Hebrews remains unknown. Some have asserted Hebrews shares similarities with …

Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians: The ABCs

Authorship, Background, and Contents of Ephesians     Authorship   Paul’s Letter to the Ephesians has long been considered the epitome of his teaching, a virtual summary of Christian doctrine. Well-loved Bible teacher J. Vernon McGee called it “the Mount Whitney of the High Sierras of all Scripture.” The epistle has nourished, taught, and encouraged believers …

What Was the Colossian Heresy?

For centuries Bible students have tried to identify the particular form of false teaching opposed by Paul in Colossians. In reality, no one knows. The apostle does not name names or explain particulars, since they would have been well-known to the original recipients of the letter, and his greater concern was teaching the correcting truth. …

Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: The ABCs

Authorship, Background, and Contents of Galatians    Authorship   Paul’s authorship of Galatians has never seriously been questioned. It is quoted or alluded to in 1 Peter. References occur in many of the earliest Christian texts, including the Epistle of Barnabas, 1 Clement, and the Epistle of Polycarp to the Philippians; also in the writings …

The Gospel of John: The ABCs

Authorship, Background, and Contents of Johns Gospel   Authorship   Though the names traditionally assigned to the four gospels go back to earliest Christian times — Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John — it is true that none of the four actually names its author. We have accepted the identities of the authors on other grounds, …

Paul’s Letter To The Colossians: The ABC’s Authorship, Background, & Contents

Authorship  The letter opens with “Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God, and Timothy our brother, to the holy and faithful brothers in Christ at Colossae” (1:1-2). In the early Christian centuries, there were no controversies over the authorship or authenticity of this letter. Questions about Paul’s authorship only arose for …

The Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Enjoy this free e-book written by legendary Christian and Preacher, John Bunyan. His book, The Pilgrim’s Progress, is considered one of the most widely known allegories ever written.

How To Read The Bible For Yourself

The Bible is the best-selling book of all time, and yet it remains unread by many who own it.   There are people who are intimidated by the Bible, fearing that the Scriptures can only be accurately understood by theologians and religious professionals. Others have tried to read some portions of the Bible, but quickly …

Hell’s Best Kept Secret

Hells Best Kept Secret by Ray Comfort This message was first preached in August 1982. Use this for inspiration and equipping you to be a Christian who is fulfilling the Great Commission! Matt 28:16-20 Then the eleven disciples went to Galilee, to the mountain where Jesus had told them to go. When they saw him, they worshiped him; but …


Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. Grief is part of the human experience. We avoid it, we dread it, but we will all experience it. Grief, when it happens, …